130+ Cute and Adorable Irish Nicknames for Girlfriend

Searching for the perfect Irish nicknames for girlfriend? We’ve got you covered with romantic, cute, and funny options to make her smile. Whether you want to celebrate her beauty, find something unique, choose a cool name, or go for a food-related nickname, we’ve got it all. Explore sweet Irish names to save her as on your phone and discover affectionate girlfriend nicknames from around the world.
Let’s find that perfect Irish nickname that shows her how much she means to you!
Table of Contents
Romantic Irish Nicknames For Girlfriend

Here are some romantic Irish nicknames for girlfriend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:
- Aingeal (Ain-gel) – Angel: Signifying her purity, kindness, and loving nature.
- Banphrionsa (Bahn-free-un-suh) – Princess: For the girl who deserves to be treated with love, respect, and admiration.
- Banríon (Ban-reen) – Queen: For a girlfriend who holds a regal and commanding presence in your life.
- Banríon mo Chroí (Ban-ree-un muh kree) – Queen of My Heart: Conveying that your girlfriend reigns supreme in your affections.
- Bean Aisling (Ban ash-ling) – Dream Woman: Indicating she is the woman of your dreams.
- Bláthín (Blaw-heen) – Flower: For her delicacy and the joy she brings to your life.
- Bláthróisín (Blawth-roh-sheen) – Rose Blossom: Comparing her to something beautiful and delicate.
- Cailín Álainn (Kal-een Aw-linn) – Beautiful Girl: For a girlfriend whose beauty captivates you, inside and out.
- Cara Láimh (Kah-rah lawv) – Darling: A common and affectionate term for a loved one.
- Comhpháirtí Anam (Koh-wahr-tee uh-nuhm) – Soul Mate: For a deep and spiritual connection.
- Croí Álainn (Cree Aw-lin) – Beautiful Heart: For a girlfriend whose inner beauty shines as brightly as her outer beauty.
- Croígrá (Kree-graw) – Loveheart: A sweet and endearing term for the one who holds your heart.
- Féileacán (Fay-lah-kawn) – Butterfly: Ideal for a girlfriend who makes your heart flutter with love.
- Grá m’anam (Graw muh-nuhm) – Love of My Life: Signifying the depth and importance of your love for your girlfriend.
- Grá Mo Chroí (Graw Muh Khree) – Love of My Heart: For the one who holds a special place in your heart.
- Grianmhar (Gree-an-var) – Sunny: For a girlfriend whose disposition is as bright and cheerful as a sunny day.
- Mo Ghrá Geal (Muh Graw Gyal) – My Bright Love: For a girlfriend who brings light and joy into your life.
- Mo Phéitseog (Muh Fe-tshog) – My Peach: For a girlfriend who is sweet and beloved.
- Mo Réalt (Muh ray-ult) – My Star: Perfect for a girlfriend who is the shining star in your universe.
- Péarlach (Payr-lakh) – Pearl: For a girlfriend of great beauty and value, treasured and rare.
- Seoid (Sho-id) – Jewel: For a girlfriend precious and valued, akin to a rare gem.
- Solas na Gealaí (Suh-luhs nuh gay-lee) – Moonlight: For a girlfriend whose presence is as romantic and soothing as moonlight.
- Tine Beag (Tin-eh Beg) – Little Fire: For a girlfriend with a fiery spirit and passionate heart.
Cute and Sweet Irish Nicknames for Girlfriend

Here are some cute and sweet Irish nicknames for girlfriend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:
- Bábóg (Baw-bogue) – Doll: For a girlfriend who’s as adorable as a doll.
- Banphrionsa (Bahn-free-un-suh) – Princess: Signifying her grace, beauty, and royal presence.
- Coinín (Kun-een) – Bunny: Signifying her cuteness and charm.
- Colleen Siúcra (Kaw-lin shoe-kruh) – Sugar Doll: A cute and sweet term, calling her your sugar doll.
- Croí Álainn (Cree Aw-lin) – Beautiful Heart: For a girlfriend with a kind and loving heart.
- Croí Óg (Kree ohg) – Little Heart: A cute and endearing term, calling her your little heart.
- Draí (Dree) – Sweetie: A sweet and affectionate term for your beloved.
- Draíochtach (Dree-ukh-takh) – Magical: For a girlfriend who has a magical effect on you.
- Féileacán (Fay-lah-kawn) – Butterfly: Perfect for a girlfriend who makes your heart flutter with love.
- Gealach (Gyal-akh) – Moon: For a girlfriend who illuminates the dark, guiding you through life.
- Grá (Graw) – Love: A simple and sweet term of endearment.
- Grianmhar (Gree-an-var) – Sunny: For a girlfriend who brings light and warmth into your life.
- Luch (Loo-kh) – Mouse: A playful and endearing term of affection.
- Milis (Mih-lish) – Sweet: A simple but deeply affectionate term for someone sweet.
- Milseán (Mil-shawn) – Sweetie: Denoting her sweetness and affectionate nature.
- Práta Milis (Praw-tuh mil-ish) – Sweet Potato: A playful and sweet nickname for your adorable girlfriend.
- Réaltín (Rayl-teen) – Little Star: For a girlfriend who shines brightly in your life.
- Seoidín (Sho-deen) – Little Jewel: For a girlfriend precious and valued.
- Síog (Shee-og) – Fairy: For someone enchanting with a touch of magic in her presence.
- Sonas (Suh-nas) – Happiness: For a girlfriend who is your source of happiness.
Irish Nicknames for Girlfriend That Honor Her Beauty

Here are some Irish nicknames for girlfriend that honor her beauty, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:
- Ailbe (Al-buh) – White or Fair: Praising her fair and pure beauty.
- Áilleacht (Aw-luhkht) – Beauty: A straightforward and elegant nickname, honoring her beauty.
- Aingeal (Ain-gel) – Angel: Signifying her purity, kindness, and heavenly qualities.
- Bandia (Ban-dee-uh) – Goddess: Honors her beauty by likening her to a divine goddess.
- Banphrionsa (Bahn-free-un-suh) – Princess: Signifying her elegance, grace, and royal presence.
- Banríon (Bawn-reen) – Queen: Recognizing her regal and majestic beauty.
- Banríon Áilleachta (Bahn-ree-un aw-luhkht-uh) – Beauty Queen: Denoting her beauty and regal qualities.
- Bláth (Blaw) – Flower: Comparing her beauty to that of a delicate flower in bloom.
- Bláth na Gréine (Blaw nah grayn-yuh) – Sunflower: Symbolizes her radiant and sunny beauty like a blooming sunflower.
- Draíoghrá (Dree-oh-graw) – Enchantress: Signifying her captivating and magical presence.
- Gráinne (Grawn-yah) – Love: Reflecting the love and admiration you have for her beauty.
- Isiltír (Ish-el-teer) – Star: Comparing her beauty to the brilliance and radiance of a star.
- Neamhaird (Nee-veer) – Angelic: Describing her beauty as pure, heavenly, and angelic.
- Perlach (Purl-akh) – Pearl: Comparing her beauty to something rare, elegant, and timeless.
Unique Irish Nicknames for Girlfriend

Here are some unique Irish nicknames, each with its own special meaning, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:
- Ainnir (An-ir) – Young Woman: A respectful and affectionate term for a girlfriend, highlighting her youth and beauty.
- Banfháidh (Ban-eye) – Prophetess: For a girlfriend who always seems to know what’s coming, whether it’s with intuition or wisdom.
- Banríon Croí (Bahn-ree-un kree) – Heart Queen: Denoting her royal presence and the love she reigns over your heart.
- Cliodhna (Klee-na) – Moon: Named after a mythological queen and sea goddess, for a girlfriend with a captivating beauty and mystique.
- Fáidh na mBrionglóidí (Faw-ee nuh mree-un-gloh-dee) – Dream Catcher: For a girlfriend who helps you catch and fulfill your dreams.
- Fíona (Fee-oh-nah) – Vine: For a girlfriend whose strength and support help you grow, intertwining your lives together.
- Léannán (Lay-nawn) – Sweetheart/Lover: Derived from old Irish folklore, implying a deep, almost magical connection.
- Mearaí (Mar-ee) – Merry: For a girlfriend with a joyful, uplifting spirit.
- Óróg (Oh-rog) – Gold: For a girlfriend who is precious and valued, a true treasure in your life.
- Seabhac (Shawk) – Hawk: For a girlfriend with a sharp wit and a fierce spirit.
- Síoda (Shee-da) – Silk: For a girlfriend with a smooth, gentle, and luxurious nature.
Cool Irish Nicknames for Girlfriend

Here are some cool Irish nicknames for girlfriend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:
- Aislingí (Ash-ling-ee) – Dreams: For someone who embodies all your dreams.
- Banríon na hOighe (Bahn-ree-un nuh hoy-yeh) – Ice Queen: Perfect for a girlfriend with a cool and confident demeanor, like a regal ice queen.
- Croi álainn (Cree aw-linn) – Beautiful Heart: Highlighting her inner beauty and kindness.
- Croí na tine (Kree nuh chi-neh) – Fireheart: Signifying her passionate and fiery nature.
- Fiántas (Fee-an-tas) – Wildness: For a girlfriend with a wild heart and adventurous spirit.
- Gaothán (Gwee-hawn) – Little Wind: For a girlfriend who is a breath of fresh air.
- Icon Stíle (Ee-kun Stee-leh) – Style Icon: Ideal for a girlfriend with impeccable style and a knack for setting trends.
- Mná Cumhachta (Muh-naw Coo-ukh-tuh) – Power Woman: Denoting her strength, confidence, and independence.
- Péarlaí (Payr-lee) – Pearls: For a girlfriend with a classic beauty that stands the test of time.
- Réalta Lucht Siúil (Ray-ul-tuh Lukht Shoo-il) – Shooting Star: Indicating her brightness and impact in your life.
- Réaltóg (Rayl-togue) – Little Star: For a girlfriend who shines in your eyes.
- Ríonach (Ree-uh-nock) – Queenly: A modern twist on ‘queen’, for a girlfriend who carries herself with grace and dignity.
- Siamsaír na Seilide (Shim-saw-ir nuh Shell-id-eh) – Adventurer: Indicating her love for excitement, new experiences, and challenges.
- Sionnainn (Shun-in) – Fox: For a clever and captivating girlfriend with a fiery spirit.
- Súil na Gealaí (Soo-il nuh gayl-ee) – Moonlight: Comparing her beauty and calming presence to the soft glow of moonlight.
- Tine Beo (Tinneh byoh) – Living Fire: For a girlfriend with an unstoppable zest for life.
Funny Irish Nicknames for Girlfriend

Here are some funny Irish nicknames for girlfriend that might bring a smile or chuckle, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:
- Banríon na Choineála (Bahn-ree-un nuh Kheen-ay-luh) – Queen of Chaos: For a girlfriend who brings excitement and unpredictability.
- Beach Bhinn (Bahk Vin) – Funny Bee: Ideal for a girlfriend with a sweet yet humorous personality.
- Blasta Béile (Blas-ta Bay-leh) – Tasty Treat: Perfect for the girlfriend who’s always the life of the party, known for her delicious cooking and irresistible snacks.
- Catín Gáirneach (Kah-teen Gahr-ni-ukh) – Giggle Cat: Ideal for a girlfriend whose laughter is as delightful as a cat’s purr.
- Cnudar (Knoo-der) – Joke Noodle: Perfect for a girlfriend who has a knack for funny and witty remarks.
- Cócaire Craiceáilte (Koh-kah-reh Krak-yawl-teh) – Crazy Chef: Tease your girlfriend affectionately with this nickname, suggesting that her culinary experiments sometimes veer into the realm of madness.
- Coinín Cliste (Kun-een Klish-teh) – Funny Bunny: Perfect for a girlfriend whose humor is as cute and charming as a bunny.
- Gáirín (Gaw-reen) – Giggle: For a girlfriend whose infectious laughter brings joy to everyone around her.
- Leann (Lan) – Ale: For a girlfriend who enjoys her drinks, teasingly refer to her as your favorite beverage.
- Lúdramán (Loo-dra-mawn) – Clown: For a girlfriend who always keeps the mood light with her playful antics.
- Pléitheoir (Play-hore) – Chatterbox: Perfect for a talkative girlfriend who keeps the conversation lively.
- Siocán Mháluigh (Shee-oh-kawn Wah-loo-ee) – Lazybones: Playfully indicating her relaxed and laid-back attitude.
- Smaointe Saonta (Smwee-nteh San-tah) – Silly Thoughts: Use this nickname for a girlfriend who always has a quirky perspective on things, making you see the world in a different light.
- Srón-fáisnéise (Srohn-fawsh-neh-sheh) – Snoring Nose: A humorous term for someone who snores.
- Uilebheistín Chuddlaigh (Ill-eh-veh-sheen Hoo-lah) – Cuddle Monster: For a girlfriend who loves cuddles.
Food-Related Irish Nicknames for Girlfriend

Here are some food-related Irish nicknames for girlfriend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:
- A stór (Ah stor) – Sweetheart: Derived from Irish sweets and desserts.
- Cáis Grá (Kaw-iss Graw) – Love Cheese: Inspired by the rich and varied Irish cheese offerings.
- Císte Grá (Keesh-teh Graw) – Love Cake: Inspired by traditional Irish cakes and desserts.
- Cnámhán Grá (Kraw-vahn Graw) – Love Bone: A unique term inspired by traditional Irish foods like bone broth.
- Leann Grá (Lan Graw) – Love Ale: Inspired by traditional Irish ales and beers.
- Milis (Mill-ish) – Sweet: A term of endearment for a girlfriend who’s lovable, kind, and always brings a smile to your face.
- Muifín (Mwee-feen) – Muffin: A term of endearment for a girlfriend who’s warm, comforting, and incredibly lovable.
- Práta Grá (Praw-tah Graw) – Love Potato: Playfully referencing the iconic Irish potato.
- Prátaí (Praw-tee) – Potatoes: A straightforward yet endearing reference to Irish staple foods.
- Sinséar Beag (Shin-share Byug) – Little Ginger: Inspired by Irish ginger-infused drinks and desserts.
- Siúcra (Shoo-kra) – Sugar: Ideal for a girlfriend who adds sweetness to your life, making every moment delightful.
- Siúcra Beag (Shoo-kra Byug) – Little Sugar: Use this nickname for a girlfriend who’s sweet, adorable, and fills your life with joy.
- Stobhach (Stow-ukh) – Porridge: A term of endearment for a girlfriend who’s comforting, warm, and makes you feel at home.
Irish Contact Names for Girlfriend

Here are some Irish-inspired contact names for your girlfriend, along with their pronunciation, meaning and inspiration:
- A Stór (Ah Store) – My Treasure: For a girlfriend who is incredibly precious to you.
- Aingeal (Ain-gel) – Angel: For a girlfriend with a pure and caring nature.
- Anamchara (Ahn-am-kha-ra) – Soul Mate: For a deep and spiritual connection.
- Babóg Siúcra (Bah-bohg Shook-rah) – Sugar Doll: For a girlfriend who’s as sweet as sugar.
- Banphrionsa (Bahn-reens-ah) – Princess: For a girlfriend who deserves royal treatment.
- Bláthín (Blaw-heen) – Little Flower: For a delicate and beautiful girlfriend.
- Croíbeag (Kree-beeg) – Little Heart: For a girlfriend who’s the keeper of your heart.
- Duine Is Fearr Liom (Din-eh Iss Far Lyum) – Favorite Person: Denoting that she’s your favorite and most cherished person.
- Fíorghrá (Fee-er Graw) – True Love: For that profound and enduring love.
- Grá Mo Chroí (Graw muh khree) – Love of My Heart: Expressing deep, heartfelt love.
- Gréine (Gray-neh) – Sunshine: Signifying how she brightens your days.
- Grian (Gree-an) – Sun: For someone who brings light and warmth into your life.
- Laochra (Lee-okh-ra) – Warrior: For a strong, independent girlfriend.
- Luachmhar (Loo-ukh-var) – Treasure: Denoting how valuable and precious she is to you.
- Milseán (Mil-shawn) – Sweetie: For a sweet and adorable girlfriend.
- Mo Chuisle (Muh Khwish-leh) – My Pulse: A term of endearment meaning “my pulse” or “my vein,” signifying someone essential to your life.
- Mo Gach Rud (Moh Gokh Rud) – My Everything: For a girlfriend who means the world to you.
- Mo Ghrá (Muh Ghraw) – My Love: A term of deep affection and love.
- Mo Leannán (Muh Lan-awn) – My Sweetheart: A term of endearment for a beloved girlfriend.
- Péarla (Payr-la) – Pearl: For a girlfriend of great value and beauty.
- Pearla Grá (Par-lah Graw) – Love Pearl: For a girlfriend precious and rare.
- Píosa Óir (Pee-sah Oy-ir) – Piece of Gold: For a girlfriend of great value and beauty.
- Réaltín (Rail-teen) – Little Star: For a girlfriend who shines brightly in your life.
- Ríonach (Ree-uh-nock) – Queen: For a girlfriend who rules your heart.
- Seodaithreoir (Shoh-doh-her) – Lucky Charm: For a girlfriend who brings good luck into your life.
- Seoid (Sho-idge) – Jewel: For a girlfriend who is as precious as a gem.
- Tineadóir (Tin-ay-doh-ir) – Firework: For a girlfriend who brings excitement and color to your life.
Names for Girlfriend in Different Languages

Language | Terms of Endearment | Meanings in English |
English | Sweetheart, Love, Darling | Sweetheart, Love, Darling |
Spanish | Carina, Amor, Mi vida | Dear, Love, My life |
French | Mon amour, Ma chérie, Mon cœur | My love, My darling, My heart |
Italian | Amore, Tesoro, Cara | Love, Treasure, Dear |
German | Schatz, Liebling, Mein Herz | Treasure, Darling, My heart |
Portuguese | Amor, Querida, Meu bem | Love, Dear, My dear |
Russian | Любимая (Lyubimaya), Дорогая (Dorogaya), Милая (Milaya) | Beloved, Dear, Sweet |
Japanese | 愛しい人 (Itoshii hito), 彼女 (Kanojo), ダーリン (Dārin) | Beloved, Girlfriend, Darling |
Korean | 여보 (Yeobo), 자기야 (Jagiya), 사랑 (Sarang) | Honey, Darling, Love |
Arabic | حبيبتي (Habibti), عزيزتي (Azizti), روحي (Rouhi) | My love, My dear, My soul |
Hindi | प्रिया (Priya), जानेमन (Jaaneman), प्यार (Pyaar) | Beloved, Darling, Love |
Mandarin Chinese | 亲爱的 (Qīn’ài de), 宝贝 (Bǎobèi), 爱人 (Àirén) | Dear, Baby, Lover |
Dutch | Lieverd, Schat, Mijn lief | Dear, Treasure, My love |
Swedish | Älskling, Kärlek, Hjärtat | Darling, Love, Heart |
Turkish | Sevgilim, Canım, Aşkım | My love, My life, My love |
Polish | Kochanie, Skarb, Miłość moja | Darling, Treasure, My love |
Norwegian | Kjæreste, Elskling, Min bedre halvdel | Girlfriend, Darling, My better half |
Danish | Skat, Kæreste, Min elskede | Treasure, Girlfriend/Boyfriend, My beloved |
Finnish | Kulta, Rakas, Sydänkäpy | Gold, Dear, Sweetheart |
Greek | Αγάπη μου (Agapi mou), Καρδιά μου (Kardia mou), Ζωή μου (Zoí mou) | My love, My heart, My life |
Hungarian | Dragam, Edesem, Kedvesem | Darling, Sweetie, My dear |
Czech | Milacek, Zlato, Drahouska | Sweetheart, Gold, Darling |
Slovak | Zlatko, Laska, Draha | Little gold, Love, Dear |
Romanian | Dragostea mea, Iubirea mea, Puiul meu | My love, My love, My little one |
Bulgarian | Скъпа (Skupa), Любов (Lyubov), Мила (Mila) | Dear, Love, Sweet |
Thai | ที่รัก (Tîi rak), หวานใจ (Wǎan jai), คนดี (Khon dī) | Darling, Sweetheart, Good person |
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